Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Welcome to our blog!!

Hi welcome to our blog everyone!
Our names are Hannah and Rachel and we both work at Guildford College of Further and Higher Education. (However, the views in this blog are strictly our own!!) As we are both at different stages of our career in the library world we thought it would be good to do a joint blog so it will cover all of our combined knowledge and experiences.

Hi I'm Rachel, I'm 24 and live in Camberely, Surrey, although I am originally from Cornwall. I have been working at Guildford College for nearly a year now. Before moving here I worked for a year in the Met Office National Meteorological Library as a Graduate Trainee Librarian, and before that I worked for at Swansea Metropolitan University as a Library Assistant. Swansea is where I studied for my degree in English.
At the moment as well as working at the college I am also doing my masters in Information and Library Management, I am studying this at Northumbria University using their distance learning programme. It is very interesting and I am learning a lot, although it is quite a lot of work when you have a full time job as well! I am looking forward to getting my qualification next September and taking the next step towards becoming a fully qualified Librarian!

Hey, I am Hannah and I have been working at Guildford College for nearly 7 years now, and before that I worked at Bedford Public Library as a Library Assistant. During my time at Guildford College I have studied for my Masters (also at Northumbria like Rachel), been promoted to Assistant Librarian (my first professional post!) and have just submitted my Chartership portfolio!! I am keeping everything crossed that I have passed...
I am also publicity officer of CoFHE LASEC. You can follow there blog here CoFHE LASEC Blog

I have really enjoyed my journey of professional development so far and this has inspired me to get involved in cpd23 23 Things for Professional Development and seeing Rachel also excited about CPD we have taken the plunge and created this blog!! Hopefully we won't bore you too much with our library ramblings...


  1. Hi Hannah & Rachel! It looks interesting to have 2 of you blogging together, I think that'll be a good way to keep each other motivated.

  2. Hello,

    I like the name of your blog! looking forward to reading more posts from you both :-)
